News & Insights
Open Source Software Rules for Start-ups, Part II
License Compliance: How to be a Good Open Source Citizen
By Heather Meeker
This is the second half of a two-part series on how start-ups can best use open source software without accidentally getting themselves into a legal bind. The first article in the series can be […]
Europe’s Proposed UPC: A Haven for NPEs or Europe’s PTAB?
By Regina Sam Penti, Edward Kelly, Steve Baughman and Anita Varma
Regina Sam Penti
Europe’s proposed Unified Patent Court (UPC) appears to be back on track following the UK’s announcement in November that it will ratify the UPC Agreement (UPCA) despite the Brexit vote calling for the UK to […]
LOT Network Member Profile: Mary Wolff, CEO of taptl
Mary Wolff is the CEO of taptl, a display technology start-up based in Miami. She was born and raised in St. Louis. Upon graduating from Washington University, she moved to Miami to attend University of Miami School of Law, where she graduated with a J.D./LL.M. in Real […]
The New “Defend Trade Secrets Act”: What It Means And How It Can Be Utilized To Defend Against Trade Secret Misappropriation
By William J. McCabe and Gene W. Lee
Bill McCabe
Gene Lee
DTSA Overview
Every year, trade secret misappropriation costs the U.S. economy more than $300 billion and 2.1 million jobs. [1] To help address this problem, on […]
Helping Patenters In A Sea Of PAEs: Interview With LOT Network’s Ken Seddon
Patent assertion entity (PAE) activity has skyrocketed in the past decade and much discussion has occurred around what to do in response to patent holders whose strategy is more focused on legal battles than innovating. One notable […]
How High-Tech Banks Are Fighting Back Against Patent Trolls
In the old fairy tale, there is a troll who lives under a bridge and eats everybody who tries to get across. In the real world today, there are trolls that lurk in the underbelly of […]
Automakers in Korea and Japan embrace defensive patent aggregation, but Chinese companies hold out
Automakers in Korea and Japan embrace defensive patent aggregation, but Chinese companies hold out
Pure Storage VP: ‘Something had to be done’ about patent trolls
Companies lose billions each year defending themselves against patent trolls, and the problem is only getting worse. Pure Storage is one of a growing number of organizations that are working to do something about it.
Pure Storage VP: ‘Something had to be done’ about patent trolls
Companies lose billions each year defending themselves against patent trolls, and the problem is only getting worse. Pure Storage is one of a growing number of organizations that are working to do something about it. […]
Pure Storage VP: ‘Something had to be done’ about patent trolls
Companies lose billions each year defending themselves against patent trolls, and the problem is only getting worse. Pure Storage is one of a growing number of organizations that are working to do something about it. […]
Pure Storage VP: ‘Something had to be done’ about patent trolls
Companies lose billions each year defending themselves against patent trolls, and the problem is only getting worse. Pure Storage is one of a growing number of organizations that are working to do something about it. […]
Honda and General Motors join patent pledge
Car companies Honda and General Motors have joined a group that aims to protect its members by thwarting non-practising entities also known as patent assertion entities (PAEs).
In Defense of Patents: Retaining value and relevance of patents in periods of rapid innovation
Innovation, whether in the technical or biological fields, occurs at a pace today that likely exceeds any period in history. This is due in part to the modern tools available that promote innovation. Equipment that was once available […]
‘Patent troll’ network entices start-ups with free membership
License on Transfer (LOT) Network, a non-profit body committed to protecting companies against ‘patent trolls’, has waived its annual fee for start-ups.
Between now and March 1, 2017, any new companies with less than $5 million in annual fees […]
LOT Network waives patent troll protection membership fees for startups
License on Transfer (LOT) Network is looking to make it even easier for smaller startups to sign up for its cross-licensing patent “immunization” organization, which includes members like Google, Netflix and Uber. Between now and March 1, 2017, […]
Board-Approved Offer for Start-ups
Dear Members and Friends,
LOT Network has always been about protecting innovation, so I’m thrilled to announce a new initiative that our Board has recently approved: we will waive the annual fee for any start-up with less than $25M in annual revenues who wants to join LOT Network. You might have seen coverage on this […]
Why startups need a defensive IP strategy
One of the things I really love about working with startup founders is that they are by nature an optimistic crowd: They set out to build amazing things, change the world and fundamentally shift the way people view […]
Accelerating LOT’s membership drive
Honda and General Motors recently signed up for the License on Transfer (LOT) Network, following other auto companies including Hyundai, Ford and Uber in joining the network in the past year.
Honda & GM Get Under Google’s Patent Protection Umbrella
Silicon Valley has had an issue with patent trolls as long as anybody can remember. Called “patent assertion entities”, these firms don’t do anything but simply buy up or register patents in the hopes that somebody puts out […]
GM and Honda Join Forces For New Patent With Google
n the beginning of August, Honda has proved to be the newest car manufacturer to be part of the LOT of License on Transfer Network, as it succeeds the previous action taken by General Motors […]