Friends of LOT:

At the risk of sounding like a broken record, growth continues to be the core theme for LOT Network. LOT added over 800 companies in 2022 and now counts over 3,000 members. Our community is now immunized to nearly 4 million patents and applications owned by members, including 16% of all active US patents. 

We also continue to see growth in the number of assets that have left LOT and in the number assigned to an assertion entity. Thanks to the analysis done by LOT member and patent intelligence provider, Cipher, we now know that 117,044 total patent assets have left, and 4,717 are now in the hands of NPEs. You can read more about the composition of the assets under the LOT license in our annual report here.

A refresh of the most recent NPE data

An analysis recently completed by HTS reinforces the value of a LOT membership for companies of all sizes.  Their results were particularly eye opening for SMEs who experience a significant ramp in NPE litigation around critical milestone windows like their IPO or later rounds of funding – proof that LOT membership can help ensure that an NPE lawsuit doesn’t derail any exit event.

Our membership has grown, our protections have grown, and the value of our community has grown. But that’s not all.

Expanded support and new hires

We’ve also expanded the support that we give our members. Members can now check in to see if patent assets are or were ever a part of LOT Network. Bookmark this link to make inquiries.

We’ve made some critical new hires. Melissa (“Mel”) Schneider has joined our team as our new Director of Community, to ensure that our members are getting the most out of their memberships – and to help support and connect people within our community. Please reach out to her to share your ideas if you haven’t already done so: Sam Wiley is our new VP of Thought Leadership and Partnerships, helping LOT to develop innovative new insights to help inform our members’ IP strategies. 

Looking ahead, we’re excited to bring more valuable content and connection to our community. Mark your calendars for September 27, 2023, where once again, we’ll convene at our member meeting, LOT Network BRIDGE, featuring a star-studded keynote panel featuring IP leaders from Cruise, JP Morgan Chase, Google, Meta, Microsoft and Trane. This year, we’ll have member-only programming in the morning, and open it up to the IP community at 12:45 PM, where you’ll have the opportunity to hear about the latest with’s DEI initiatives, and insights that affect the IP community broadly. 

Be sure to invite your colleagues, but register soon – space is limited (and get 15% off if you register before May 20). Hope to see you there!


Ken Seddon

CEO, LOT Network