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So far lotaselot has created 93 blog entries.

Your Startup Needs IP Capital

By Rodger Sadler

Rodger-Sadler_2If you run a small business – and a tech startup in particular – you live with the risk that you could, at any time, fall prey to bigger, better-resourced competitors. Why? Because most startups lack the resources and experience required to protect and develop […]


Open Source Software Rules for Start-ups, Part I

By Heather Meeker

Heather MeekerIf you’re a start-up, there’s a strong likelihood you’re using open source software in your business. Linux, Apache, Hadoop, WordPress and MySQL are all examples of open source software platforms used extensively by startups.

Using open source software improperly, however, can tie up your […]


To Take Out Patent Trolls, Team Up

techcrunch “As of November 2015, LOT Network covers over 327,000 patent assets, including over 99,000 U.S. issued patents and applications. LOT members now have a permanent solution if any of those assets fall into the hands of a […]

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