
About Admin

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So far Admin has created 68 blog entries.

LOT Network Welcomes Space Startup to Its International Community

  LOT Network, an international community of high-tech companies committed to protecting its members from costly litigation from patent assertion entities (PAEs, also known as ‘patent trolls’), welcomes space tech startup company, Orbital Exploration Technologies (OrbitX), to its membership […]


Innovative Strategies for Managing Intellectual Property Risk

If data is the new oil, intellectual property (IP) is the new gold. IP is extremely valuable in today’s global economy where innovation is critical and intellectual property is the only way to convert innovation into an asset. The mantra, “innovate or die” is real and enterprises […]


As Seen in Technology transforming the in-house legal department at banks: a call to action

Across the globe, today’s leading financial institutions are making massive investments into technology and IT development. Why? To create best-in-class technology platforms, payment processing capabilities and financial systems that deliver digital solutions today’s customers have come to expect.  It is clear that the world of financial services […]


How IBISA uses blockchain to help protect farmers

Every business plan involves a degree of risk. For some it is uncertainty about the viability of the product, while for others it is a risk of competition from other organizations making profitability an uncertain proposition. For many of the world’s farmers, however, the risk to their […]


A 500 member milestone

When you’re caught up in the day-to-day business of moving things forward, it’s easy to lose sight of accomplishments. It was in this way that a significant milestone — LOT Network’s membership reaching 500 members — caught us nearly by surprise. We are very proud of our community, which now counts Disney, Meituan Dianping, Centerpoint […]


LOT Member Profile: ClearAccessIP Makes Patent Strategy Manageable

IP strategy can be a significant challenge for any business. Maintaining records, keeping track of patent status and identifying potential acquisitions and divestitures can be difficult to handle. Some organizations prefer to grow their patent profile organically through internal innovation, while others prefer a more acquisition-based approach for technological progress.

There are a staggering number of […]


How many patents are enough? View from Detroit

This was the question asked at the IAM IP in Auto conference and at the Cipher Roundtable the following day. The roundtable was conducted under the Chatham House Rule, but the automotive OEM and supplier perspective is fascinating, even without attribution.

Before we share the findings, take a moment to consider a range of possible answers […]


Note from the CEO: BRIDGE highlights and international growth

I trust your summer is off to a good start. Everyone at LOT Network would like to thank Director Iancu, our members and the sponsors who made the 2019 LOT Network Bridge at The Palace Hotel in San Francisco a huge success. Attendee feedback showed that this year’s annual members’ meeting had the expected practical […]

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