
About Celi Richardson

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So far Celi Richardson has created 159 blog entries.

LOT Network Names Ken Seddon As Chief Executive Officer

Beaverton, OR—April 1, 2015—LOT Network Inc., an international patent network that is proactively addressing the risks of patent assertion entities (PAEs) and patent privateering, today announced that its Board of Directors had appointed Ken Seddon as its first Chief Executive Officer.

“LOT Network has created an innovative product that can reduce the risk […]


LOT Network Membership Doubles In Five Months Since Launch

The License on Transfer (LOT) Network, an open, royalty-free, patent-licensing program designed to reduce patent litigation and the growing practice of patent privateering, today announced that GitHub, Khan Academy, Pure Storage, Red Hat, SAS, and SolarCity have joined Asana, Canon, Dropbox, Google, Newegg and SAP as members.

Patent litigation reached an all-time peak last year, […]


Asana, Canon, Dropbox, Google, Newegg and SAP Announce Formation of New Cooperative Patent-Licensing Agreement

Asana, Canon, Dropbox, Google, Newegg and SAP today announced the formation of the License on Transfer (LOT) Network, a cooperative patent-licensing agreement that will cut down on patent troll litigation and the growing practice of patent privateering.

Patent litigation reached an all-time peak last year, with more than 6,000 lawsuits filed. Most of those suits […]

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